Is Trade Desk Inc (TTD) stock halal to invest in?

Trade Desk, Inc. operates as a technology company in the United States and internationally. The company operates a self-service cloud-based platform that allows buyers to create, manage, and optimize data-driven digital advertising campaigns across various ad formats and channels, including... Read More

Currently in review check back by end of Jan 2022

Trade Desk Inc (TTD)

See Alternatives

Business Score

Financial Score

ESG Score





Report Summary

  • It is questionable whether a material part of the business’s revenue comes from Haram.
  • Interest is used but is not relied on to run the company.
  • The company has a substantial positive impact on the environment, society and governance.
What are Halal Investors' Comfort Levels?
Our Comfort Levels are based on our analysts’ latest review of a company's business, finances, and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Impact. Our reports are not meant to be understood as a religious ruling (fatwa). Rather, they represent our best efforts in trying to identify whether a company is engaged in anything forbidden in Islam (haram) and to what extent. Based on our analysis, we determine our Comfort Level with investing in the company. We encourage readers to let us know if we missed anything in the comments and to voice their agreement/disagreement by leaving a thumbs up/down. Read more about our methodology.

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