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Write for Halal Investors

Have something to say about the markets, economy, news, the prospects of a stock or ETF, or their ESG records?

Do you want to be published on Halalinvestors.com? 

Halal Investors is a group of halal-conscious writers who are always looking for new and interesting perspectives. 

What do you get out of it? If you submit your article and we like it, we'll publish it on Halalinvestors.com under your name and bio (your name will also link to your Halal Investors profile). 

If we publish more than one of your articles, and they perform well, we'll consider bringing you on as a freelance writer -- which pays by the article.

We’re interested in your insights.

We are not a news agency. 

Just the facts is not enough.

What makes our readers come to Halal Investors is our processing of the facts and the insights we glean from them.

Put differently, while every article should be rooted in fact it should also include your views and conclusions based on these facts.

(If you claim something in your article is a fact, then you must provide your sources. URLs preferred).

One Point at a time.

Every submission should:

  1. Have a point.

  2. Focus on this one point.

If you've got more to say, write another post.

Keep it simple.

A good article is one that can be read and understood by a wide audience.

If the reader needs a specialized degree to decipher your language, you wrote it wrong.

This isn’t college.

No need to use formal language in all your writing. 

Have a little fun with it. 

Let your personality shine through.

If readers can benefit while being entertained, all the better.

Article length.

400 - 700 words is ideal. A little shorter or a little longer is fine.


At the end of every submission, you must include whether you have any ownership stake in any of the companies you talk about.

Don’t advertise.

If we feel like your article was written to promote or sell a product, we won’t publish it.

Keep it classy.

We won't publish articles that include profanity, personal attacks, or discriminatory comments.

By submitting an article, you agree to the following:

  1. All submissions are reviewed and published at The Halal Investors’ discretion. 

  2. We reserve the right to edit your submission to conform to our professional standards of writing and format.

  3. You are at least 18 years old or otherwise have first obtained your parents or guardians' written permission before submitting any content.   

  4. By posting or submitting your blog/article you are giving us the right to display, publish, modify, sublicense, distribute and syndicate your content (in its entirety or a portion thereof, or in the form of a derivative or adapted work) in all media now known and later come into being, without payment to you or any third party.

  5. You represent that with respect to any and all submissions: a) you have the full legal right to use and authorize us to use any content included in a submission; b) the submission is original and does not in any way infringe upon any intellectual property right (or rights) of any third party; and c) does not cause any injury to any third party.

  6. You consent to us using your name in connection with displaying and distributing your submission.

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