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Who are we?

We're building a community of ethical investors seeking to do good & do well with their wealth & finances. As investors trying to build wealth while doing the right thing, we noticed a general absence of investment insights tailored to ethical investors.

Halal Investors is our attempt to fill this void.

Our goal is to make ethical investing easier by providing substance-based Halal Report Cards and insights into the future.

But we can’t do this alone... That’s why we created a community of like-minded halal investors to help each other navigate the ethical investing world. Together, we can build wealth for ourselves and our families for this life and the next.

Our Mission

To increase the wealth of ethical investors and empower them to achieve their goals, in this world and in the hereafter.

Our Vision

Create the most useful online resource for investors concerned with halal investing and building wealth.

Meet our team

We're building a community of ethical investors seeking to do good & do well with their wealth & finances.

Sharia Advisor

Sh Umer Khan - Sharia Advisor @ HalalInvestors

Shaykh Umer Khan

Shaykh Umer's qualifications include Islamic scholarship (alim degree from Al-Salam Institute), Islamic law expertise (mufti degree from Darul Ilm UK), and Masters degrees in both conventional finance (Wharton, UPenn) and Islamic finance (Islamic Finance Institute). Some highlights of his work experience include VP at SpaceX, partner at Mentors Fund, and advisor to various Islamic and technology companies.

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Halal Investors

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